Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I overheard...

my 3 year old exclaim to my 1 year old, "You are just TIRING me out!!" (as though that were even possible)

I laughed. These kids are just too clever, and love to repeat choice phrases from their parents. Little copy cats. :)

But I admit, my laughter was mixed with a little guilt.

I know that I have been saying things like that more than normal lately and nothing gets by my little boys. If only my boys weren't so quick to catch on to everything!! Ach!! :) It certainly is humbling to have your kids notice your shortcomings so easily. They are truly instruments in my sanctification!!

But then... isn't that the goal? Sanctification, that is? So often I only think of their sanctification (and the disciplinary action required to direct them), but what about me? Isn't that the Lord's desire for me as well? To become more like Himself? to put off the old man and put on the new?

While it is humbling for my children to see my faults, it is also GOOD. They see me, at my best and at my worst. They know my weaknesses, my sinful tendencies, my flaws. They know my joys and triumphs. And really, isn't it a good thing to be shown your faults by people you love, to be convicted of sin, to bow down and pray, to ask for forgiveness and repent of the error of your ways?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, to be more like my Savior!


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