Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Reflections: Reading

This past year I spent a lot of time reading. I rediscovered an old love and spent much of my spare time (little though I have) with a book in my hands. Reading was the perfect substitute for TV watching (which we gave up last year), as well as the perfect way for a perfectionist like me to multi-task while breastfeeding an infant.

Yes, that means that I felt like I was wasting time if I was only feeding/holding/sitting while also producing the best milk on the planet. Crazy, I know.

Looking back at all the books I read (46+ books made the list last year), I'm excited and encouraged to keep reading this year. My hope though, is to maybe read a little less fiction and a little more of everything else.

Can you tell I'm trying to make "everything else" it's own genre?


On my bedside table I'm working on a couple interesting reads

Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity by Garrett B Gunderson. I'm not sure what I can say about it yet, but the first few pages sure are interesting and challenge the reader to think outside the box.

Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald. This book was given to me by a friend and it's the first Vision Forum book I've read. Or started to read.

Uprooting Anger by Robert D Jones. I'm about half way through this book and am finding it quite terrible. Terrible as in, so convicting, crying over my sins, wishing for heaven, terrible. What I really mean is it's quite fantastic. It is just what I needed. I'd recommend it.

In addition, some friends and I just started a book club. I'm very excited to read different literature together, and to be pushed outside my normal reading habits. More on this when we finish our first book, The Help by Kathryn Stockett


grace said...

I used to read all the time and since having Cora I never do. I don't know why. I think I need to find books that spark that reading passion in me...

Dolly said...

I just ordered 'Loving the Little Years'. I've heard rave reviews from multiple people so figured I needed to read it.

Beth@Not a Bow in Sight said...

Me too! I've been reading a lot more lately and hardly watching any TV. I just finished "The Help" and thought it was outstanding. All of your books look amazing. That's the second encounter I've had with the sacred cows book...maybe I need to read it :)

Kathryn said...

I'm loving all the positive feedback on The Help. I can't wait to start reading it either.

Martianne said...

I giggled reading this post as I read a lot while breastfeeding, too - and type online. However, this year, I am trying to do less of that and to actually bond with my little man while he nurses. I have begun wondering if he feels ignored while I read and type and nurse and if I am being contrary to nature by not doing that gazing thing... Silly, I know!

enjoy your books!


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