Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Wishes

It's been too long since I last wrote. After being caught up in the whirl of food, presents, family and snow... my feet are just now back on the ground.

As I put away the last of our Christmas decoration this afternoon, in my childishness, I wished that Christmas wasn't over..

And to still be able to still sit by the glowing Christmas tree and delight in it's beautiful sparkle...

to imagine what fits inside the pretty boxes nestled carefully beneath it...

to smile at the thought of surprising my husband with things he both needed AND wanted (which is no easy task)...

to revel in the Lord's mercies and the joy of giving gifts, celebrating with family, and the blessing of having everyone home for the holidays.

Am I the only one that wishes it didn't have to end?

I know that half of what makes it special, is that it only happens once a year, but I'll tell you... as I took down the tree today, I found myself wishing that I'd find a forgotten gift hidden under the tree skirt.

And they say Christmas is for kids! Ha!

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