Monday, December 28, 2009
Baking cookies
So whipping up a batch of sugar cookies was the perfect fit for the day-- Nick was home from work, the boys were looking for something to do (or maybe I was looking for something for them to do!!)and perhaps my growing belly and appetite figure in as well. Regardless, these sugar cookies were just right.
So... I made the dough and put it in the fridge to chill. Then we set up an assembly line.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Little Angels
These are the boys who smile like little angels, who beam innocently at their mother, and grin in delight. These are my boys.
These are also the boys that "washed" each others hair with hand soap one evening while we entertained guests. Playing a little too quietly upstairs, the "suspicious mom" in me quickly ran to check, and discovered not only soap in their hair, but also on their clothes, the mirror, and in their eyes. Things changed from quiet to loud quite suddenly.
So into the bath we put them, to wash all the tear causing soap. After making sure they were settled, we hurried back downstairs to bid our friends farewell. In the moments we were gone we heard laughter and glee, and our stomachs sank. Before we even arrived back upstairs we knew what it meant. And as we suspected, these "little angels" had been at work again. Water covered the floor, the bathmat, and everything around them.
Yes. These are the faces of my little angels.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Getting round
Monday, December 7, 2009
Photo's by Isaiah
Book Boys
Well, no not really. The mess was a little daunting, but the photo op was there and so was the evidence of my children's keen interest in books.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Home again
We spent our time:
- talking and catching up with relatives
- looking through photo albums
- making Christmas cards
- drinking Starbucks
- decorating Christmas cookies
- refreshing morning walks (in the wonderful warm weather!!)
- eating, eating, eating
- laughing at Isaiah and Joshua's antics
- and generally enjoying each others company
What a great trip!! We were spoiled rotten by Nick's family each and every day:
- Nana never came home from Starbucks without a peppermint mocha for me.
- My sister-in-laws provided more free babysitting than I've ever received
- The boys were showered with love and attention by each and every relative
- I relaxed and did things like making cards and baking pies without distraction
- We came home with a car full of gifts
- Megan even CLEANED our room and made our beds one day while we were out!!
To add to the spoiling, we came home tired, hungry and cold (it had just started snowing as we pulled in) to find a warm cheery house waiting for us. Nick had taken care of everything while we were gone. (As a side note, Nick was able to fly out for Thanksgiving, but had to head home for work on Monday).
- he planned the menu and did the grocery shopping
- he completed a huge "honey-do" list
- he cooked dinner (and baked COOKIES!!!) that were hot and ready for us as we came in the door
- he vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned the entire house (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- he paid the bills, did the filing
- pulled out the Christmas tree and decorations and...
- had Christmas presents wrapped and ready to be put under the tree
On top of all Nick had done, we also were thrilled to see many Christmas newsletters and cards from friends, and best of all, a box from Grandma with all kinds of goodies (e.g. maternity clothes (yes!!) and toys)
And now... back to business. Being spoiled rotten for two weeks has repercussions:
- 500+ emails to go through, respond to, and delete
- mail, ads and coupons to look over
- unpacking
- laundry (!!!!!)
- Christmas decorations and gift wrapping
- baby shower planning (tomorrow!!)
- and lots and lots of detail work, phone calls to make, letters to write etc etc
So yes, being spoiled has its downsides, but I'll take what I can get! What fun!! :)