Friday, February 24, 2012

Love My Hard Working Men

My kids are some of the hardest workers out there.

They see dirt and they know how to move it. They know how to transport it. They know how to dig it.


They don’t worry about getting their hands dirty. Or about the job being too tough. They just do it.


They know how to concentrate on the job. They stay focused and don’t get distracted.


They know about safety. And about hard hats. And about helmets are good substitutes. Even if they are much (much much) too small.



And they know how to work together. Most of the time.


Love my hard working men.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A different kind of busy

Oh blog. I have not forgotten about you.

In fact, my thoughts are often organized and processed in blog format. I ponder of each word, like I ponder my thoughts, trying to decide how and where and what word would best capture the feeling that I’m feeling.

As usual, there are lots of thoughts and feelings here at our house right now, but no time to sit and type them out. No time at all.

Oh I do spend lots of time thinking. While folding laundry and sweeping floors and driving to and from all these places I drive to and from these days. But not much time writing anymore.

I was talking with my husband last night about what life was like before he became a Company Commander. Before he worked 80, 90 or 100 hours a week and was on-call every minute or every day. And before I had Army spouses to mentor and FRG events to plan and children to homeschool.

The funny thing is, we both remember it still being very busy.

It was just a different kind of busy. Though we often feel overwhelmed with how much was going on before Nick’s 20 month Company Command, we realize that the busy we felt then was much different than the busy now.

I guess that goes to show how God is stretching and growing us. That we often feel stretched beyond what we can imagine keeping up with, and then looking back, are able to see how much growth has occurred? How God has shaped and developed us and given us a new strength for life’s different sorts of challenges? It’s encouraging in a way, isn’t it?

I remember life before children. Working full time, double shifts on weekends, volunteering, tutoring, teaching piano lessons, dating a handsome guy, serving in our church… then came along a full time, day and night, every day all day marriage and a few years later, a parenting job that filled us with a different sort of busy yet again. Busy had new meaning when another life (or many lives) depends on you. Oh boy, and the transition from one child to two. Then from two to three? A new kind of busy yet again. And then onto children’s sports and schooling, piano lessons and soccer practice.

And here we are, with a whole new kind of busy than we had before.

In just 3 weeks, we’ll leave this sort of busyness and head on to yet another style of crazy. Nick will complete his Company Command (invitations for that ceremony to come out very soon!) and life will begin to change dramatically yet again. As he completes his Command, I’ll complete my role as FRG Leader and Commander’s Wife. And then another adventure begins: we’ll begin the long process of leaving the Army and getting settled in the civilian world. (that’s what we Army folk call the regular world, haha, since the Army often feels like a world of its own).

We’re excited. We’re nervous and we’ve got so many big decisions to make that the future looks very intense.

And busy.

And once again, a new kind of busy, a different kind of busy, than we’ve felt before.

Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Natural. Born. Leader.


Oh I love my three sons.

And I love my Isaiah. My first born, my first son, my first little treasure of a child.

Isaiah is my natural born leader. Truly, a Natural. Born. Leader.

And I love him for it.

I love that he always knows what to do. Isaiah never hesitates. He has an inborn instinct for what to do at any given time.

He loves competition and his competition-loving mom, loves that about him. I love how he challenges himself, works towards a goal, and doesn’t give up.

I love how smart he is. Boy, this boy of mine can memorize anything. And absorb anything. He picks up on the smallest of hints, thinks the deepest thoughts and says the most profound things for a 5 year old.

I also love that he is confident in Christ. Confident that Jesus died for his sins. Confident that the Holy Spirit has changed his heart. And confident that he’ll go to heaven when he dies.

Oh boy, do I love this boy of mine.

Thank you, Lord, for my Isaiah.

Can’t. Kiss. Him. Enough.


As I said. I love each one of my precious little sons.

And while there are many reasons I love my youngest son, I’d be remiss if I didn’t start by mentioning his cheeks.

Oh his sweet, round cute chubby little angelic little cheeks. I can’t. kiss. them. enough.

I love Noah for his little personality. I love how he talks in his own special way, often making attempts at deep manly voices, and changing things up with his high cheery greetings.

I love how he says Hello. It sounds like “Hey, Yo!” and all he needs is a snapping slap kind of greeting to go with it and he’d be down with the homeys. Love that. Love love love that about him.

I love that I’m his world. That he runs to me and shouts, “Mommy!!!” even if we’ve only been separated for a few moments. I love that he loves his Daddy too. And that his parents are his favorite people.

I love how he loves to read his train books. And that there is no possible way for me to be sitting on the floor without him plopping down on my lap with a book in hand.

I love that he’s learning how to pray and that his heart is being trained while it’s tender.

Thank you, Lord, for my baby. For my almost big boy. Thanks for my Noah.

Love. This. Kid


I love each one of my three sons with my whole heart… in a way that only a mother can. They are each precious to me in different ways and bring joy inexpressible joy to my heart and life. 

This is my dear Joshua. My middle son. My 3 “but I’m almost 4!!” year old beauty.

Oh boy, do I Love.This.Kid

I love him for his shining smile and his wide spaced teeth.

I love him for his tender heart and his sensitivity that far exceeds any 3 year old I've ever met.

I love him for his attention to detail and his love for fine art. I love that he always notices when I paint my toenails, or am wearing a new pair of shoes.

I love that he loves to cook, mix, roll, and knead. I love that he’s comfortable in the kitchen.

I love that he looks like me.

I love him for his creativity, for his joy and vitality, and for the Light that shines in and through him. I love that he loves his God. Our God.

Lord, thank you for my sons. Each one.


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